
the Sugar Quill Secret Diary of Hermione Granger

Pairing: Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger
Alternative name(s): The Adept Send, R/Hr, RW/HG, Romione, Heron, We Believe in Trees
Gender category: het
Fandom: Harry Potter
Approved?: yes
Prevalence: pop
Archives: Checkmated, The Sugar Quill
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  • ane Harry/Ginny & OBHWF
  • 2 Detractors
  • iii JKR on R/Hr
  • iv Fanfiction
    • 4.i Common Themes & Tropes
    • 4.ii Notable Stories
  • 5 Fan Art
    • 5.1 Example Fine art
  • 6 Archives & Communities
    • 6.1 Athenaeum
    • 6.2 Fansites
    • vi.3 Mailing Lists
    • half-dozen.4 Journal Communities
  • vii Resources
  • 8 References

Ron/Hermione refers to the romantic pairing of Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter fandom. The pairing is maybe best know as one side of the fandom'southward ballsy shipwar that occurred while the fandom was still open and relatively immature.

In 2005, at least 1 fan, Heidi8, downplayed the shipwar:

DD was written in July-September of 2000, so it predates OotP, and all the HP movies for that thing, as well as a lot of interviews past JKR which are said to "prove" one ship or the other. Believe me, back in those exciting days of Early Fandom, while yous could find people willing to contend one ship or some other, the stridency of the arguments and "show" as they exist today was nil. In the winter of 2000/2001, people started to posit that "r/60 minutes is catechism", merely their arguments were not really based in anything JKR had said, but rather on predictions of where the books would go (and lots of those predictions predicted R/Hr snogging in Book Five, then there yous go). [1]

Harry/Ginny & OBHWF

Many Ron/Hermione shippers frequently identified as Harry/Ginny shippers besides, especially during the shipwars of the early on fandom. The term "Ane Big Happy Weasley Family" (OBHWF) was thus coined to encompass both pairings and provide a unified front against the Harmonians.

Yet, not all Ron/Hermione shippers necessarily support Harry/Ginny. Many, especially early-on, preferred Harry romantically disentangled for the series' conclusion, and after the release of Half-Blood Prince, the Harry/Luna ship gained reasonable popularity among R/Hr shippers. Additionally, many R/60 minutes fans prefer Harry to be paired with Draco Malfoy, and many Harry/Draco fics also feature Ron/Hermione.


Even after canon had set and the shipping wars died down, some fans dislike the idea of Hermione and Ron together. One complaint is that it's anti-feminist for Hermione to settle down relatively young and start having children. A mutual epilogue-compliant way for such fans to deal with it is infidelity stories, where either Ron or Hermione or both are unfaithful, and the couple eventually breaks up.

JKR on R/Hour

Rowling officially confirmed that Ron/Hermione would exist canon in an interview with MuggleNet and The Leaky Cauldron on July sixteen, 2005, the 24-hour interval of the publication of Half-Blood Prince. She agreed that she thought she made Ron/Hermione "painfully obvious in the first five books," and said:

"I personally experience – well it's going to be clear in one case people have read Volume six. I mean, that'southward it. It'south done, isn't it? We know. Yes, we do now know that it's Ron and Hermione. I practise experience that I take dropped heavy – hints. ANVIL-sized, actually, hints, prior to this bespeak. I certainly retrieve even if subtle clues hadn't been picked up by the terminate of Azkaban, that by the fourth dimension we hit Krum in Goblet…"[2]

Prior to HBP, Rowling had fabricated several other comments supporting Ron/Hermione in interviews. In 1999, Rowling said that Harry and Hermione were "very platonic friends," but "[she wouldn't] answer for anyone else, nudge, nudge, wink, wink,"[3] and in 2003 stated that Ron and Hermione had much more potential for snogging than Harry and Hermione.[4] Many Harry/Hermione shippers (peculiarly Harmonians) chose to interpret Rowling'south comments in means that wouldn't sink their transport, either believing that Rowling was deliberately misleading fans or accepting that R/60 minutes may be temporary or one-sided but that H/Hr would nonetheless exist endgame.

In 2007, at Los Angeles during a book tour after the Deathly Hallows was released Rowling further stated that she always knew that Ron and Hermione were meant to be together despite her assertion that Ron was "not so much fun to date" and that she eventually "married Harry Potter" referring to her 2d husband Neil Murray. She also told those who worry about Ron and Hermione's human relationship:

"Ron and Hermione, withal, are drawn to each other because they residual each other out. Hermione's got the sensitivity and maturity that's been left out of Ron, and Ron loosens upwards Hermione a fleck, gets her to take some fun. They dear each other and they bicker a bit, but they savor bickering, so we shouldn't worry about it." [5]

In 2014, Rowling was interviewed past Emma Watson, and fabricated these comments:

"I wrote the Hermione/Ron relationship as a form of wish fulfillment. That'due south how it was conceived, actually. For reasons that have very little to do with literature and far more than to practice with me clinging to the plot as I offset imagined it, Hermione with Ron. [...] It was a choice I made for very personal reasons, non for reasons of brownie. Am I breaking people's hearts by saying this? I hope not. [...]
"Information technology was a young relationship. I recall the attraction itself is plausible just the combative side of it… I'yard non certain you could have got over that in an adult relationship, there was as well much fundamental incompatibility. [...] In some ways Hermione and Harry are a better fit [...]
"Oh, perhaps she and Ron will be alright with a scrap of counseling, you know. I wonder what happens at magician marriage counseling? They'll probably be fine. He needs to work on his self-esteem issues and she needs to work on being a trivial less critical."[six]

Before the full interview was out, several media outlets released articles with sensational and oftentimes outright inaccurate headlines and quotes from the interview plainly denouncing R/Hour whilst ignoring the positive comments from the same interview (in an ironical confirmation of Rowling's portrayal of media dishonesty represented by the graphic symbol Rita Skeeter who often wrote sensational only inaccurate manufactures within the novels). The beginning excerpts were published in a The Lord's day Times article called "JK admits Hermione should take midweek Harry".[vii] Many anti-Ron/Hermione shippers continue to quote this interview (especially "fundamental incompatibility") as prove confronting the ship, though many fans of the pairing believe such claims are unfair and out of context and whatever criticisms directed at this pairing appears to be reversed past the release of the play Cursed Child.


Examples Wanted: Editors are encouraged to add more examples or a wider variety of examples.

Common Themes & Tropes

The bulk of fanfiction are divided into ii types: canon complaint stories and alternative universe stories. The canon compliant stories are normally told from either Ron and Hermione's point of view of either scenes included in the novels or missing moments.

Notable Stories

  • Later the End past Arabella and Zsenya
  • The Book of Morgan Le Fey‎ and The Terminal Reckoning by LavenderBrown
  • The Toll of Love by RogueSugah
  • Ann Margaret's Hermione Granger Series - Divided into two series. The first is the last 3 books told from Hermione'south POV while the 2d follows canon until the end of the Society of the Phoenix then diverges into an alternating universe [8]
  • The Secret Diary of Hermione Granger by Arabella - An imagined diary maintained by Hermione that recounts her thoughts of events that occurred in her life after she received her Hogwarts letter of the alphabet: just includes completed stories up to her 4th yr at Hogwarts[9]
  • Hermione's fourth Year by Eleanor Gangee - Second half of Goblet of Fire told from Hermione'southward POV[ten]
  • Ron Weasley's Middle on his Sleeve by JoJo4 - One-half Claret Prince told from Ron'south POV[eleven]
  • Vii Simple Years by HalfASlug - Missing moments from catechism between Ron and Hermione over the course of the vii books[12]
  • Becoming Ron and Hermione by IheartRonaldWeasley - Some missing moments between Ron and Hermione from the Deathly Hallows and then follows their life and marriage until the Epilogue nineteen years later[xiii]

Fan Fine art

  • because Ginny knows it earlier they do. and that particular romione kiss past viria
  • Poor Harry since 1991 past blvnk-fine art
  • 💋❤ past alek-r
  • Ron tells Hermione about the benefits of being his girlfriend by d-june-y
  • i beloved this couple so much tae-rhr

Example Art

Archives & Communities


  • Checkmated, for fic featuring R/Hour and not-contradictory pairings
  • The Sugar Quill, for "canon-compliant" (R/Hr & H/G) fic and fanart
  •, for R/60 minutes and H/G fic and fanart



Mailing Lists

  • granger-weasley at Yahoo! Groups

Journal Communities

  • goodship at LiveJournal
  • ronhermione at LiveJournal


  • The Skillful Ship at ship_manifesto
  • R/Hr Recs from crack_broom


  1. ^ Heidi8: New Reader, March 20, 2005
  2. ^ MuggleNet and The Leaky Cauldron interview Joanne Kathleen Rowling. sixteen July 2005. (Accessed 28 Oct 2014.)
  3. ^ Transcript of National Press Club author's lunch, NPR Radio, October twenty, 1999. (Accessed 28 October 2014.)
  4. ^ Couric, Katie. Interview with J.K. Rowling. Dateline NBC xx June 2003. (Accessed 28 October 2014.)
  5. ^ J.One thousand. Rowling and Emma Watson discuss Ron, Hermione, and Harry: The full interview / 'Harry Potter' Author J.K. Rowling Outs Dumbledore At New York Effect . 10 October 2007. (Accessed 5 February 2017.)
  6. ^ J.K. Rowling and Emma Watson hash out Ron, Hermione, and Harry: The full interview. 07 February 2014.
  7. ^ See The Sunday Times front comprehend for Feb 2, 2014, posted by @thesundaytimes on Twitter 01 February 2014. (Accessed 28 October 2014.)
  8. ^ Stories for Ann Margaret.
  9. ^ The Secret Diary of Hermione Granger.
  10. ^ Hermione's 4th Year.
  11. ^ Ron Weasley'southward Heart on his Sleeve.
  12. ^ Seven Simple Years.
  13. ^ Becoming Ron and Hermione.


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