
Can a Bathtub Be Refinished Twice

If your tub has seen better days, information technology might exist time to choose between buying a new i and re-coating what you already own. Here's our guide to the pros and cons of bathtub reglazing, plus how to refinish a bathtub yourself.

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Relaxing in a warm bathroom is a great manner to unwind later a hectic day. Yet, when your bathtub is dingy or deteriorating, taking a bathroom can be a much less pleasant experience. A tub that's chipped, scratched, rusty, or worn can brand your bathroom expect dated and unattractive. Before y'all become rid of that old tub, though, consider refinishing what you already own. Usually more price-constructive than swapping it for something new, refinishing a bathtub saves you the time and effort involved in a larger bathroom remodeling project. Plus, it allows y'all to preserve an older design, such as an antique clawfoot tub, that adds graphic symbol to a bathroom simply has seen better days. Check out our guide below for everything you demand to know most bathtub refinishing.

dormer bathroom claw-foot tub

The Average Price of Bathtub Refinishing

Replacing an existing bathtub with a newer model is not always a simple job. The original tub most always needs to exist cut into pieces to fit through the bathroom door. There might as well be flooring, trim, surrounds, and plumbing that will demand to be removed and replaced. While a new tub can cost equally little as $150, labor expenses for the replacement process tin can easily add $i,500 or more to the bill.

Instead, many homeowners take the existing tub reglazed or refinished, which typically costs $300-$600, depending on the area and process. If your bathtub is dingy and stained, or even if information technology sports some serious rust and cracks, a trained professional can probable gear up and re-coat the surface for a like-new look.

Professional Bathtub Refinishing Process

Bandage-iron, steel, and fiberglass tubs and shower stalls tin can all be re-coated to match the original stop or in an entirely new color. The bathtub refinishing procedure involves 3 steps:

  • Starting time, the technician strips off the old finish and sands the tub to create a smooth surface.
  • Next, any holes, cracks, chips, or rust spots are repaired.
  • Finally, a primer, multiple layers of coating, and a sealant are applied. The bathtub can usually be used once more in ane to three days, and the finish should last 10-fifteen years.

To find a reputable contractor, ask friends for recommendations or check with the Better Business Bureau.

black accents white bathroom

How to Refinish a Bathtub

Although this work is ordinarily best left to a trained contractor, there are DIY bathtub refinishing kits ($24, The Home Depot) available at many abode improvement stores. It'due south important to note that these products don't apply the same technology as the professionals, and the results are less durable and oft await painted on rather than shine.

If you plan on refinishing a bathtub yourself, make sure the surface area has proper ventilation before you begin. Open all bathroom windows and doors and plough on the vent fan to assistance air out the room. After putting on safety goggles and gloves, follow these DIY bathtub refinishing steps:

  1. Repair any chips or cracks with a heavy-duty patching compound ($6, The Home Depot). Permit the product cure completely before continuing.
  2. Remove all metal drains, faucets, and hardware as needed.
  3. Thoroughly make clean the bathtub with a solution of bleach and water or an abrasive cleaner such equally Comet ($1, Walmart). Rinse the tub.
  4. Remove all caulk and wipe the area dry.
  5. Sand the tub to roughen the surface, which helps the coating stick. Rinse the tub to remove dust.
  6. Dry the tub with a cloth. When the surface is completely dry out, wipe the tub with a dry tack cloth to remove any remaining grit.
  7. Lay down a driblet cloth and tape off the area around the tub every bit well as any remaining hardware.
  8. Subsequently ensuring you have proper ventilation, follow the manufacturer'south instructions for applying the paint. Use a loftier-quality, short-nap roller ($vi, The Domicile Depot) for the master areas, and bear on up corners or other hard-to-accomplish spots with a small foam brush.
  9. Apply additional coats as needed, waiting for sufficient drying time between coats.
  10. One time the coating is dry, remove the tape, reattach hardware, and caulk effectually the tub.
  11. Let the coating cure completely before using your bathtub.

After DIY bathtub refinishing, it's best to avoid using abrasive cleaners to protect the surface.

When Is Bathtub Refinishing Worth It?

Refinishing is well-suited to very erstwhile tubs, which typically have more than character and are made of higher-quality materials than what'due south bachelor today. The process isn't always the best solution, of class. For instance, for a newer, depression-quality tub, you'll typically go better results by replacing information technology with a higher-quality model. Tubs that are in bad busted might also not be suited for reglazing. Also, if you lot're remodeling and want a larger tub or one with more than modernistic features, such as jets, you'll need to demolish and replace the bathtub instead of refinishing information technology.


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